Robert Kiyosaki’s To-Dos to Become Rich

Do you want more tips that the rich teach their kids? Robert Kiyosaki has some to-dos that will help you get off the sidelines and on the path to your dreams. Following even a couple of these steps will supercharge your actions and create the success you have been looking for.

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Still Want More? Here Are Some To Do's

Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money - That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!

If you are not satisfied with Robert Kiyosaki's 10 steps, he also shares some of the things he does. He makes a point to share that these are tips that helped him and if they work for you, use them. You can choose to modify them if see fit.

  • Stop doing what is not working. Take time to determine whether what you are doing is actually working or wasting your time.
  • Continue looking for new ideas by reviewing different and unique subjects. Find new how-to formulas that may get you better or faster results. Don't just read new information, act on it immediately.
  • Submit to a knowledgeable person who has done what you want to do and actually listen to them until you understand them and do what they tell you to do.
  • Attend any and all classes and seminars on subjects that will help you. Find those which are free or inexpensive first and once you have vetted the source you should attend the more expensive conferences for more detailed information.
  • Make tons of offers even if you don't know the right offer. Most sellers may not accept low or wrong offers but you won't know if you don't ask. Perhaps there is an emotional reason that would take a low offer. Other times a seller may be just waiting for an offer that would start negotiations. When making offers, always have an escape clause. You can use vague language such as "this offer is subject to the approval of a non-specified business partner". This will protect you in case your offer is bad for you to go ahead.
  • Finding the right deal, the right business, the right people, the right investors, etc is similar to dating. In order to find the right mate, you must first go out in the market, talk to a lot of people, make a lot of offers, counteroffers, negotiate, reject, and accept. If you just sit at home and wait then it will never happen.
  • Spend time in the area that you are considering or currently investing in so you can look for change and slight differences. Use this information in your offers. For example, if the I for sale sign has been up for a very long time then the seller may be more agreeable to the deal.
  • Shop for bargains in every market. When housing marketing has a sale most people call it a crash or a correction. Remember profits are made when you buy, not when you sell.
  • Look for buyers first, then look for sellers. Small thinkers don't get the big breaks. If you want to get richer, think big. Retailers love giving volume discounts for large deals; the secret is you don't have to be the only buyer. Gather and represent another buyer then take a large order to the seller to get the best deal.
  • Study how big companies got their start when they were young.
  • Action always beats inaction. You must take action before you can receive the financial rewards.
Inline Images Rich Dad Poor Dad - to-dos

Regardless, If you are an early-stage entrepreneur or responsible for the stability of a big business, it is easy to allow doubt to slow or stop your success. The basic theme of Robert Kiyosaki's 10 steps is to just keep plugging away at your goals no matter what. Did you notice how many of his points include other people? That's because the bigger your goal the more you need like-minded people around you to help in some way shape or form. Continue to evaluate your success and if it has slowed or stopped, look for whatever or whomever you need to pick the pace back up.

I can't possibly do justice in this review, I urge you to get even more insights from the source. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki was written in 1997 but it's still credited as the inspiration for billionaires today. If you have read it before, are you following the principles outlined? If not, it's time to read it again. Better yet, that your financial education to the next level with Robert Kiyosaki's free quiz which outlines your next step toward financial freedom.

Have you been making the progress you know you deserve on your goals? If not, you need to stop and figure out what is missing or what I holding you back. No matter what you should make some type of progress every day no matter how small. Here is the best news ever: today is a new day. Go do something that will eventually make your dreams a reality.

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Works Cited

Kiyosaki, Robert. "Still Want More? Here Are Some To Do's" Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money - That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!, 1997. pp. 187 - 192