Tyrone Bufkin is a student of many trades and a master of ONE, life & business investment. He loves empowering all types of entrepreneurs to enjoy the journey & destination of a fulfilling life. Tyrone launched his entrepreneurial career by excelling in a couple of dozen jobs & businesses in almost every industry; he learned how each company operated, succeeded, and failed. Tyrone's main objective as a life & business investor is to invite you into his circle of influence, including all the actionable knowledge and experience used to unleash your dreams into reality.

Fine! I'll talk about myself but,
keep scrolling to meet some of my core team members. I could not be the man I am without their love, support, and mutual desire to help people. Keep in mind that any service I can offer you, we will work together to achieve lasting results.
Tyrone Bufkin, Life & Business Investor

Tyrone Bufkin's Life Story
Tyrone Bufkin is and has always been an entrepreneur. Tyrone never noticed the lack of resources in his youth because his dreams were too big. Tyrone's hard-working single mother also raised his older brother and, later in life, his younger sister. Tyrone's mother worked long hours to pay the bills but often came up short, so Tyrone began his hustle. As a cute little kid around 13 years old, Tyrone would hit the street asking strangers for money. Panhandling was Tyrone's introduction to sales and marketing. Tyrone learned to understand and accept rejection, money management, and the importance of appearance.

At 15, Tyrone decided to earn money instead of asking for handouts. Shortly after making this decision, God ( or whatever you choose to call Him) created an opportunity. While walking home from school, Tyrone overheard an owner of a peanut company and his employee arguing just outside the store. As Tyrone got closer, the owner yelled, "You know what? That's it. I'm firing you!" And the employee walked off with fury. Tyrone grabbed this opportunity and approached the owner, saying, "Looks like you need a new employee! I can start working today."
The owner smiled and responded, "I'm afraid you're too young," and turned to walk back into his store. Tyrone brushed off the rejection and followed the owner inside to continue the conversation. The owner thought it over and eventually agreed to hire Tyrone on a trial basis. Tyrone's goal was simple; he would outwork every employee the owner had. This strategy worked too well; within a few weeks, the owner cut Tyrone's hours because they were producing too much too fast.
Tyrone bought a ticket to a Saints game during his first day off. He noticed that there was not a person currently selling peanuts in the Superdome. So Tyrone negotiated with the owner to buy his surplus peanuts if he would restore his original hours. Tyrone then sold the purchased peanuts at the Superdome for double the cost, the birth of Tyrone's first business. Once Tyrone succeeded at the Superdome, he expanded to sell peanuts at other events, such as the Jazz Fest and Mardi Gras parades. Don't worry; Tyrone rarely missed a day in school, although this was when he began questioning the practicality of the information.

Since the first job, Tyrone held two or three positions at a time in the workforce. Over the years Tyrone has held more than 37 different volunteer, employment, and equity positions in manufacturing, retail, financial services, hospitality, professional services, music entertainment, transportation, technology, and economic development. Some may call Tyrone a workaholic but he just says work feeds his love for learning and progress. One of the critical truths that Tyrone learned during this period of life was that you cannot get through life alone. Though Tyrone grew up lacking resources, he was never without love and mentorship, especially from his mother, his beloved guardians at Boys Hope Girls Hope, and his God-parents.
Today, Tyrone is married to an unbelievingly strong woman named Kayla Bufkin. He describes her as the missing link that unlocked the desire for God-like love. Tyrone strives to live a fulfilled life by helping people in life and business who help people with their products. Tyrone feels called to create, design, assist and grow various companies that provide more value to their customers than what the customer pays for. Tyrone loves to work with entrepreneurs with a passion and a love to make life better for someone through an idea transformed into action. While Tyrone is not an expert, he has adopted a single belief that has driven his entire life; " I never give up! I may back up, but I never back down. I always find a way to succeed because I don't know how to quit."

Meet the Team

Kayla Bufkin, Administrative Assistant
I have a bio; trust me, it's good, but I still need to write it. It will be 50-75 words long. I will detail in one sentence my role within the company. I will express my brand. I'll let you know what makes me unique. I'll tell you about my big goals and aspirations. I'll list 2-3 most impressive and relevant achievements. I'll close with an offer to contact me.
Random Fun Fact:
Kelli Landry, Software Developer
I have a bio; trust me, it's good, but I still need to write it. It will be 50-75 words long. I will detail in one sentence my role within the company. I will express my brand. I'll let you know what makes me unique. I'll tell you about my big goals and aspirations. I'll list 2-3 most impressive and relevant achievements. I'll close with an offer to contact me.
Random Fun Fact:

Dominique Bufkin, Writer
I have a bio; trust me, it's good, but I still need to write it. It will be 50-75 words long. I will detail in one sentence my role within the company. I will express my brand. I'll let you know what makes me unique. I'll tell you about my big goals and aspirations. I'll list 2-3 most impressive and relevant achievements. I'll close with an offer to contact me.
Random Fun Fact: